Purchase of real estate

Italy’s new 2024 flat tax for the super-rich

In 2024, Italy increased the flat tax for the ultra-wealthy people who move to Italy and change their tax residency from €100,000 to €200,000 per year. This tax was introduced in 2017 to attract the wealthy. Now its crease is due to the need to reduce the budget deficit, which far exceeds the allowable EU norms. Despite the doubling of the tax, for ultra-wealthy people with assets above 30 million...

New building regulations “Save the house” in Italy from May 2024: minor building defects and property improvements

Great news for all real estate owners, buyers, builders, and agents in Italy! Finally, the long-awaited "Save the House" building regulations have been approved and published on the official information portal of the Italian government under Law No. 69 of May 29, 2024 (Decreto Legge Salva Casa). Let's look at the main points of the new law and its impact on real estate transactions in Italy. DEFINITION...


When purchasing property in Italy, it's important to understand how real estate agency commissions (agenzie immobiliari) work. Many foreign buyers may not be aware that in Italy, commissions are not included in the property price and are paid separately. This differs from some other countries where the commission is already included in the sale price. Regulation of Commission Fees The commission fees of...

Property Finders: How to buy property in Italy quickly

Many potential buyers who wants tu buy property in Italy quickly believe that working with a large number of agencies is the best solution. But they soon find out that searching for properties is a time-consuming and complex process, and that it is not easy to find the “right option” from the many offers on the market. Imagine how many pointless viewings you will end up going to if you select...

Investment in real estate in Italy. Company or individual? Rent or buy?

We are often asked questions about how best to invest in real estate in Italy, is it necessary to open a company or is it better to purchase for an individual? First of all, you need to figure out the purpose of the investment - for resale or rental, residential housing or commercial premises (shop, supermarket, hotel). When buying commercial premises, it is almost always more profitable to register for a...

Buying a property in Italy: Purchase procedure

Trevi Elite provides its clients full legal support when buying a house in Italy. The procedure for buying property in Italy consists of several stages. Irrevocable Offer of Purchase When making a decision on the purchase, the manager draws up an Irrevocable Offer for the purchase of a real property, which indicates the details of the Buyer and the Seller, a detailed description of the real estate, the...

Homes for sale in Italian cities

A variety of homes for sale in Italian cities today is at the fastest pace, there are many offers on the market, different in typology and price. In the list of the most expensive places to buy real estate in Italy, of course, the first places are occupied by the most visited cities: Rome, Venice, Florence and Milan. However, it is worth considering that the income from the rental of such real estate is...

Real Estate Specialist – Property Finder

Recently, the term Property Finder or Home Hunter has become more and more common. Let's take a look at the main differences in the work of this expert from the classic real estate agent Realtor. Property finder and real estate agent: the main differences The main difference is that the activity of a Real Estate Agent is aimed at the sale of its properties (lists), entrusted on the...

Property in Rome: the purchase procedure and taxes

Needless to say, Rome is an extraordinary city, it is truly one of the world’s most amazing destinations, making it an excellent market to invest in. What's the purchase procedure of real estate in Rome? Italian legal requirements & purchase procedure Irrevocable Purchase Proposal (usually 5%-10%). This is a non-refundable deposit (caparra confirmatoria) that serves as insurance to both the buyer...

New building or secondary housing?

The main part of the real estate fund in Italy is secondary housing. The country has severe restrictions on the construction of new homes, therefore, buying a house in Italy is always considered as a reliable investment due to the limited number of offers. Especially in large cities, new buildings in Milan, Rome, Florence are sold out already at the stage of laying bricks, while prices do not vary much...

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